Enter your details to create your traveltalez listing
Use your account dashboard to create products, adding photos, pricing, availability and more.
You decide exactly how much you want to earn from each booking and manage your business on your own terms.
What Sets Us Apart?
Leverage our custom marketing solutions to pitch your brand to our travel passionate audience.
Enable customers worldwide to purchase your services.
Reach out to travelers around the world. More exposure means more bookings.
Get effortless and scalable booking management solutions.
We empower our partners to boost their business & profitability.
Benefits on Traveltalez Partner Program
Traveltalez partner program is unique and innovative business solution that connects your business to millions highly targeted travelers, thus providing you an opportunity to multiply your revenue
Help Travelers around the world find and experience the travel services you offer. More exposure means more bookings and revenue.
Get brand recognition and more bookings. Add your travel experiences and we will help promote and distribute them.
Contact our Account Management and Content team whenever you need help.
We promote your company services extensively on our website for free, which helps you manage your online brand.
Agents benefit from traveler dashboard (CMS/CRM) where they manage numerous requests.
We continuously work on dynamic campaigns in premium channels to bring more traffic to you
Traveltalez offers a vast range of services and solutions for brands to amplify their awareness and grow their business.
Choose a monthly or weekly payout. You’ll pay commission for only successful bookings. There’s no hidden cost or fees.
Our editors are keen to support you and to improve your listings.
Selling with us is simple. Here’s how it works…